Canon DEMI rear door Light Seal kit installation guide

1. Remove the old seals and clean up the residue with cotton swab dipped alcohol or benzine.
If you have rubber cement, you could rub the cement on the blue portions, you will get more stronger adhesion.

2. Remove the new seal from the base paper and reverse, now you are facing tape (sticky) side as above image.

3. Rub the alcohol (recommended) or water on the tape (sticky) side.
The alcohol delays and reduce adhesion temporally and allows you time to position and adjust the seal.

4. Start applying the seal from allowhead portion as above image.

5. adjust the seal as allowhead portions.

6. adjust the seal using your forefinger and press on the both corners.
Please apply the seal before the alcohol gets dry.

7. Same as 3.

Apply the seals from the allowhead as above.

9. Apply the seal along the ditch.

10. adjust the seal using your forefinger and press on the corner.

11. Use small flat head driver and squeeze the seal into the narrow ditch.

12. Rub alcohol on the tape side and squeeze the seal into the narrow ditch.

13. finally apply the seal near the hinge.

14. Finished. Please wait until the alcohol get dry, 3, 4 hours or more.