How to install the covering for Leica IIIc/IIIf #4040 (ScrewMount Leica emboss) leatherette

1. Remove all the original vulcanite and remaining adhesive.
You need to clean up the camera body shell very well.

2. The custom leather kit comes like this.

3. Remove the custom leather from the base paper.

4. Start applying from here. You can not apply perfectly starting from the other part.

5. Apply along the edge, do not stretch the covering.

. Then you adjust the strap lug part.
This leather's tape is not sticky (adhesion comes later), you can remove and apply again.


8. Apply the front right part,

9. Squeeze the leatherette under the lens mount part.

Apply the front left part,

11. Squeeze the leatherette under the lens mount part.

12. Squeeze the leatherette under the Slow dial.

. Finished.

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